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My Unity Tools

In order to program easier and more efficiently, I like to make a habit of making tools to assist in my development. I sometimes reuse these tools or send them out to others to use on their projects!

Terrain Generator

If I want to make an easy, randomly generated level in one of my games, I use this tool! It instantly creates a block of terrain based on the settings I put in.


To learn more, click the image:


Procedually Animated Spider

Since I am no artist, I wanted to create a way to animate walking without the hassle of animating. And so, I created a script which gives life to a creature!


To learn more, click the image:


Status Effect System

My most used system, the status effect system is an easy way to apply buffs and debuffs to living or non-living things! The options are only limited by your imagination!


To learn more, click the image:

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